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    We help you develop protein products


    Exercise and a healthy lifestyle involving conscious choices strongly motivate your customer.

    This target group is very focused on playing sports regularly, and diet is part of their routine. Protein plays a key role in this, as it is the basis for better performance. Products with a high protein content rank highest in the sports & nutrition category as a whole. The market is demanding more and more variety and volume of these products.

    To help manufacturers respond to this surge in demand, we are working from our #Food_Lab on products that touch on routes such as “Better for you” or “Lifestyle”. 

    Here are some examples of custards with a high protein content without sugar, where, in addition to increasing the nutritional value, we have increased the amount of fibre

    Hydrolysed collagen custard in fruit flavours (coconut, apricot, strawberry…) 

    Natillas con colágeno hidrolizado con sabores frutales (coco, albaricoque, fresa…)


    Natillas de chocolate veganas con proteína de girasol y fibras.

    Vegan chocolate custard with sunflower protein and fibre.

    Because Healthy can be Tasty

    We were at Nutraceuticals presenting these products, among others, discover our novelties!